Directorate General of Foundations endeavors to keep alive the monuments, which had lost their superintendents, in accordance wtih their act of establishments and in this context, carries out works of maintenance and restoration inside the lands of Turkey and Ottoman Empire.
Considering that most of the immovable monuments are property of Directorate Generalof Foundations, the main objective of General Directorate of Foundations is promoting these monuments both nationally and internationally as well as keeping them alive.
As part of the Med-Art Training Project that had been evolved as a collaboration ofDirectorate General of Foundations and Assorestauro, Association of Italian Restoration Contractors, Italian experts trained, both theoretically and practically, the technical staff of General Directorate of Foundations and people working on the conservation area. Restoration works at the Zeyrek Sheikh Suleyman Mesjid, which is a common cultural heritage from Roman-Ottoman times, are still on progress.
With the contributions of Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (IPCU) and the Italian Trade Center (ITA), as part of the Med - Art Project, the symposium is considered to be a chance for two country to share their experiences on restoration process of Sheikh Suleiman Mesjid