Symposium aims at the promotion of “The Guideline of Earthquake Risks Management for Historical Structures" for all the environments studying on conservation with international effectiveness. Furthermore, it has been aiming that the countries, making similar works before, will share their experiences and accumulations scientifically, and evaluating of probable cooperation forward looking.
The organization is of exclusive importance in terms of two points:
1- Exhibition of the first example of the studying of “Guideline" arising from the need of scientific and conscious approach beyond the legal environment on “Historical Heritage Protection and Risk Management in Turkey", and whose practices have been facing in the developed countries such as England and Italy.
2- Turkey's presentation of a contemporary vision that switches with its institutions and professionals to an execution whose practices can be rarely faced in the World and Europe, and that has self-motivation.
In particular, the experts from Italy which is scientific partner of the project and the scientists from the countries which have high seismic risk such as Greece, Iran, Portugal, Chile and Mexica have been invited to organization for sharing their experiences.
About the Symposium
“International Symposium on Earthquake Risk Management of Historical Structures: With a Focus on Tuskish Guideline" has been realizing as the final of Med-Art II Project which made in scientific cooperation with Assorestauro (Italian Association for Architecture, Art and Urban Restoration). Med-Art II has been begun with the translation of Italy's guide on the management of earthquake risks for historical buildings. Afterwards, “The Guideline of Earthquake Risks Management for Historical Structures" has been completed on 25th August 2017 in consequence of a hard work conducted in participation with the science committee consisting of Turkish scientists and the institution representatives. The promotion of this significant and innovative work which is Turkey's first will be realized with the symposium.
In the Symposium, 31 presentations will be shared from Turkey and invited countries. Turkey's “The Guideline of Earthquake Risks Management for Historical Structures" will be introduced by the members of guide science committee to all guests and target users in a special session.
Both the speakers and participants are required to register online.